The Sequel
Following the successful event in 2018, #ISS2019 united a community of over 1,000 international students in Melbourne, Australia. This event provided a platform for these students to explore their career and educational prospects in the country.
With 25 exhibitors representing diverse industries, attendees had the opportunity to gather crucial insights into migration, education, internships, and job opportunities, guiding and supporting attendees on their academic and professional journeys. The event also featured a series of 10 seminars, each led by experts in various topics, including career planning, visa regulations, resume building, and interview strategies, equipping students with the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in Australia’s competitive job market.
Furthermore, #ISS2019 offered an invaluable service: free resume checkers reviewed attendees’ resumes, providing personalised feedback and valuable insights on improving their CVs to stand out in the job market. Beyond the scheduled events, the summit provided numerous networking opportunities, allowing students to connect with exhibitors and fellow attendees.